Do what you LOVE

Love what you do.


Birth & Babies

Here we offer EVERY kind of session under the sun.

Maternity, Birth, Fresh 48, postpartum sessions, in home newborns, in studio newborns, breastfeeding sessions, etc. You think it up, we can make some magic!         

Birth & Babies

Here we offer EVERY kind of session under the sun.

Maternity, Birth, Fresh 48, postpartum sessions, in home newborns, in studio newborns, breastfeeding sessions, etc. You think it up, we can make some magic!         

Birth Stories

The first moments of new life.

One of the most unforgettable occasions that I want you to look back on and cherish forever.

Every look, every tear, every single intimate moment.

Home Birth, Birth Center, or the Hospital, count me in as your personal hype girl. I will be there every step of the way!

Birth Stories

The first moments of new life.

One of the most unforgettable occasions that I want you to look back on and cherish forever.

Every look, every tear, every single intimate moment.

Home Birth, Birth Center, or the Hospital, count me in as your personal hype girl. I will be there every step of the way!

The Birth of Delilah Eirisse

This sweet mama had a long birth but she definitely did it with grace.

Baby Delilah ended up needing some assistance, and was delivered via C section @ 3:50pm.

7 lbs 4oz and was 20 & 3/4 inches long.

Daddy couldn't be there in person, he is on the phone right before & his shirt is on her pillow.

The Birth of Delilah Eirisse

This sweet mama had a long birth but she definitely did it with grace.

Baby Delilah ended up needing some assistance, and was delivered via C section @ 3:50pm.

7 lbs 4oz and was 20 & 3/4 inches long.

Daddy couldn't be there in person, he is on the phone right before & his shirt is on her pillow.

The Birth of Carson Wade

8 lbs, 20.5 inches long

i hope you can feel the emotion as you take these in.


The Birth Of Opie Blue Moon

Tuesday had her environment set. Low light, surrounded by her siblings, Opie's Daddy and her wonderful momma holding her hand. The mood was peaceful and inviting. The perfect vision board and the perfect plan. Things did go a little differently at the end. We ended up calling in back-up just incase, and she finished laboring with Opie in the hospital. (they weren't expecting us and didn't have room for me) So I waited patiently, and picked up when they let me back in! Look how beautiful he is. Tuesday did AMAZING.